• Create the flipbook version
    of your PDFs, share them, sell them.

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Create and share

Convert your magazine, book or catalog to electronic format.
Upload your PDF file, Sfogliami.it takes care of the rest.
Print the QR-Code or use the sharing tools, Sfogliami is free!
How to create and share

Boost your flipbook

You can add features to your flipbook to customize it.
Through the Sfogliami.it control panel, you can manage your publications, change the background, create an index and clickable areas.
What you can boost

Sell now, online

Put your browsable on sale and start earning on the Internet.
Spread your publications, the selling price is up to you.
All you need is a PayPal account to get started today!
How to sell

Reach more people

Sfogliami.it makes your PDFs available on the Internet in a pleasant way, but it's up to you to spread them.
To increase visibility you can share your flipbooks in different ways:

Direct link

In the control panel you find a QR-Code and a dedicated link for each flipbook. Use them to open a page with your flipbook already displayed.
It is the ideal option to send the link to your flipbook via e-mail or to connect it to your site.

Integrate it on your site / blog

Sfogliami.it provides you with a short code to copy and paste into the pages of your site where you want to show your flipbook.
With this option you can view your flipbook directly within your site!

Share it on Facebook and other Social Networks

Thanks to the SHARE button, you can publish your magazine on the most popular social networks and online communities!
And not only that, even your visitors can share your flipbook in their own space!